Posted 20 hours ago

Pai Rico Pai Pobre: O que Os Ricos Ensinam a Seus Filhos Sobre Dinheiro

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Outra obra que também ensina isso é O Homem mais Rico da Babilônia (leia um resumo aqui). 2. Compre ativos ao invés de passivos

The thing is, not everybody is afforded the same opportunities, and the point about high risk, is that risks are high. Sometimes it all comes crashing down. A maioria das pessoas se encontram do lado dos empregados e autônomos, logo, p oucos se arriscam a entrar para o lado dos empreendedores e investidores que é o lado de quem quer ficar rico. I read this book while in an Entrepreneur phase. On one hand, it is rather inspiring, in a John Madden sort of way. You see, John Madden (American football broadcaster) always makes everything sound easy, which may be how he coached the Raiders to the superbowl. He'll say something like "now what they need to do here is score a touchdown. I think that if they can do that, they will turn this game around". O livro também tem como objetivo incentivar as pessoas a investir em ativos, iniciar e possuir negócios, além de aumentar a inteligência Then, he talks about healthcare and old age care. Again, he portrays some of the challenges the middle class faces yet he pretty much lost the last bits of my respect when he referred to American healthcare as "socialized". My dude, have you looked at other developed democracies?

10 lições do livro Pai Rico, Pai Pobre

E é exatamente isso que vamos te mostrar neste resumo , trazendo os conselhos para cada etapa, em busca de se tornar rico e financeiramente independente. O livro “Pai Rico, Pai Pobre”

Explica o que deve ensinar aos seus filhos sobre dinheiro - para que possam estar reparados para os desafios e oportunidades do mundo de hoje e desfrutar da vida rica que merecem. Told in an interesting and engaging manner, Robert Kiyosaki advocates the importance of financial literacy. By using anecdotes from his life and the lessons he learned from his two father figures, the author explains the difference between the mindset of rich and poor regarding money. O livro “Pai rico, pai pobre” relata a vida de Robert Kiyosaki e de seu companheiro Mike. Durante suas jornadas, Robert recebe orientações financeiras de seu próprio pai – o pai com menos recursos – e do pai de Mike – o pai com mais recursos. Através de uma narrativa contagiante, o livro Pai Rico Pai Pobre é um verdadeiro guia para aqueles que querem começar a cuidar de suas finanças. Fugir da roda dos ratos” envolve buscar maneiras de fazer o dinheiro trabalhar para você, em vez de simplesmente trabalhar pelo dinheiro.


Sendo assim, ele compara as lições de seus dois pais, mostrando que o pensamento que enriquece é aquele que ensina a fazer o dinheiro trabalhar por você. It’s terribly written – it really is abysmal. This book bats you over the head with a few ideas (one of which is that The Poor should just stop being so poor!) through numerous “conversations” with his Rich Dad (who is supposedly the father of his friend). It’s horrendous dialogue; it actually.. I just can’t. It’s horrible. It talks about his father (the Poor Dad) who is university educated and hard working, but supposedly foolishly believes that getting an education and then a secure job is a waste of time. Education – what a joke, right? What a waste of time and money, that could otherwise be spent on high risk ventures that will always make you millions. That can be further invested to make billions.

Por falta de livros para ler hoje na sala de espera de uma consulta médica, levei esse livro, e subitamente, tive uma epifania. O livro Pai rico, pai pobre narra a história de Robert Kiyosaki e de seu amigo Mike. Ao longo de sua trajetória, Robert recebe orientações financeiras de seu próprio pai – o pai pobre – e do pai de Mike – o pai rico. This seems a strange irony to me, as this book is clearly marketed to people who are not smart enough to realize that they should 'work hard and not give up' if they want to succeed, but who are smart enough to be able to figure all the rest of the logistics out by themselves. If this book has a failing, it is that it is more of an overview than a how-to. It left me wanting to learn more. However, I understand that Kiyosaki has several other books written that appear to dive into the subject more thoroughly, and I look forward to reading those. Still, this works as a great stepping-off point to make us reconsider our view of financial issues. Enfim, já que você conhece as 10 lições de “Pai Rico, Pai Pobre”, assista, agora mesmo, ao vídeo de Raul Sena , o Investidor Sardinha, para conhecer um pouco sobre o autor do livro e entender melhor como aplicar as lições, aqui apresentadas, na prática. Bom aprendizado!Portanto, se construirmos um patrimônio que gere uma renda que cubra todos os nossos gastos, seremos abastados. This book goes on my shelf of four books I read over and over, books I read devotionally. It totally revolutionized my outlook not only on making money, but also on education. I wish everyone would read this. I wish the close-minded, those who graduated from whatever school they attended and haven't allowed themselves a new thought since, could break through the stone walls they have erected around their souls and let this in. This message can save our world! I am not exaggerating. Kiyosaki seems to suggest that it's inevitable that the rich will find loopholes. However, when corporations have such an impact on politics in the US (for example, if you still have some faith in the American democracy, read this paper!), it should come as surprise to no one that they evade tax. This means that the group who is screwing people over is the rich (*coughs* rich dad is a thief), and not the government, unlike how Kiyosaki wishes to present it.

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